Wednesday, January 20, 2010

February 2 - Mops Valentine Event

Our next MOPS is on Tuesday, February 2nd. It will be our Valentine Event, with guest speakers Vince and Jill Schmidt. Their presentation is titled, "Love in Action."
It is sure to be an inspiring morning you won't want to miss! We will be having special coffee this morning as well

First Ever Mops EXPO* January 19th

We hope you all enjoyed the EXPO morning! We pray that God had you all exactly where your hearts needed to be that morning! A BIG thank you to the following women who so graciously gave their time and talents.

Jen Wollner ~ Orphan Care/Adoption and Fostering
Olivia Myers ~ What God says about your finances
Laura Sandretti ~ Sibling Rivalry
Marla Neuman ~ Hiding God’s word in your heart
Heather Woods ~ Meal Planning/Grocery Shopping tips
Jennifer Benedict ~ Marriage takes three!